Sunday, February 14, 2016


David Runs for his life
I can hear the voices of doubt and criticism asking, “Why did David run for his life?  Why did he not just kill Saul and his assassins since he was such a mighty killer of Philistines?”  A correct approach to those or any such questions would be to understand that David was not a murderer.  His God given role was to kill Philistines, the enemy of Israel and of God.  True he killed thousands of Philistines; but he was not called to kill any of God’s people for any cause. On the other hand David loved Saul, and even though Saul sought his life, that in his mind was not reason enough to slay him like he slayed Philistines.  Saul was, therefore, left to God for Him to deal with.  Lastly, David saw Saul as God’s anointed and, therefore, he did not see it as within his province to touch the Lord’s anointed; so he ran for his life.  But when Saul found out that his daughter, Michal, David’ wife helped David to escape, he saw it as betrayal on her part; so he asked her, “Why has thou deceived me so, and sent away my enemy, that he is escaped?” And Michal said, “He told me to let him go as he did not want to kill me.” Michal’s response to her father was not at all true; but it shows that even she, had no illusions about how her own father would treat her, if she told him the truth. In the meantime David fled and escaped came to a place called Ramah where Samuel was; and he told Samuel all that Saul had done to him; and so David and Samuel departed from there and went and dwelt at a place called Naioth. But it was not long before Saul found out where David was’ for he was still hell bent on killing David.

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