Sunday, December 14, 2014



Israel’s Victory over Arad, King of the Canaanites

When King Arad heard that Israel was attempting to pass over the territory by the route of the spies, he declared war on Israel and took some of them prisoners.  And Israel petitioned the Lord and made a promise to Him that if He would deliver the Canaanites into their hands, that they would utterly destroy their cities; and the Lord heard them and granted Israel their petition.  And so Israel utterly destroyed the city of the Canaanites, and they called the name of the place Hormah, and they journeyed from Mount Hor by way of the Red Sea in order to circumvent the land of Edom; but the people became discouraged by the circuitous route and their heart failed them.
As usual the people began to complain against God and Moses asking why they had been brought out of Egypt to die in the wilderness; for there was no food and no water and indeed their souls loathed this new land. 

And in response to their most recent griping, the Lord sent serpents among them which stung many of them to death.

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