Monday, September 28, 2015

The Wright Stuff?

he Wright Stuff?
Any person living in today’s world, would have to be blind, deaf and dumb not to know that this entire world is on its way to hell in a basket. Throughout every society we see the same moral depredation, like a runaway bus rapidly accelerating down a slippery slope, just before it collapses.
If we can learn one lesson from history, it is that the last cycle in its total collapse is the utter breakdown of morality. In the pre-diluvial world, the sons of God intermingling in marriage with the sons of men; in Sodom and Gomorrah, even the old men breaking down Lot’s door; King Belshazzar in his drunken revelry with his princes and wives and concubines blaspheming the sacred vessels of the Lord’s temple; and in more times the moral collapse of Rome.
Today we see a repeat of those immoral practices in every facet of societies around the world, more particularly in America and Briton as the leading nations of the world. This morning I witnessed a debate, The Wright Stuff, concerning the question not whether it was morally appropriate for “virgin men and women”, to have in-vitro insemination, but whether the State should pay for such processes.”
As the arguments were advanced, there were no questions whatsoever about the moral rectitude of such procedures, but only who should pay for them. But in reality, this is but the latest trend, a mere signpost passed, a bump along the way, to a cataclysmic crash, as we catapult further and further away from the norm.
And what is that norm? Jesus restated it when he said, “Have ye not read that He who made them at the beginning made them male and female? That a man shall cleave to his wife and that the two shall be one flesh?”  But look where we are today! If you do not agree to homosexuality and sexual infamy, there is something wrong with you; for they are normal and you are abnormal.

In the Book of Leviticus, Chapter 18, God mandated some two dozen prohibitions having to do with the prohibited degrees of sanguinity and morality. Today we say God was wrong, or at least has made a mistake, and we make bold to correct the situation. Well the real question is where will we arrive at tomorrow? If we follow the line of regression where will it logically lead us? That a man may marry his mother, his daughter his sister, and a woman her son her brother?  And what about a man wanting to marry his horse, his dog or his cat? Did I hear someone say ludicrous? Well the idea of men marring men or women marrying women and, of virgin women and men, having babies would have sounded both ludicrous and ridiculous not too long ago.  And so logically nothing can prevent this runaway bus of moral depredation from crashing short of the personal intervention or appearance on the scene of Christ himself. For things hardly ever remain the same; and if they are not getting better, they are getting worse.     

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