Monday, September 7, 2015


So Gideon led the people to the river as God directed him and the Lord told him to let the people drink and everyone that laps the water with his tongue like a dog those set aside, and everyone that bows down on his knees to drink, set them aside also.  And it came to pass that all those who lapped the water from their hands were only three hundred, but all of the others knelt down to drink.  So the Lord told Gideon to send all of this number away. So God told Gideon the three hundred are the ones Hew had chosen to fight for him; for he had delivered the Medianites into their hand.   So the multitude of the people, some twenty one thousand seven hundred, departed leaving only the three hundred to take on the host of the Medianites in battle. And it happened that same night that the Lord told Gideon to rise go down among the host of Median for He had delivered them into his hand. But, the Lord told Gideon that if he was still afraid to go down, then he should take Phurah his servant with him, and he shall hear what they speak about and as a result his hand shall be strengthened to fight against them.  

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