Monday, September 29, 2014

The President v Vox Populi

Vox Populi
So the President the Right Honorable Barak Obama did not appreciate the ISIS threat until now?  Apparently he was not told about it until a day or two ago; and I believe him.  Did he not say only a couple of weeks ago that he had no plan to defeat the terrorists? How could a leader admit to such a terrible lapse, unless indeed he did not know!  After all he is the President. He does not read the same newspaper or listen to the same news, or visit the same social media as the rest of us lower mortals. I guess his intelligence guys were too busy spying on us and our allies to be keeping watch over our enemies. But if the president or his advisers had read either of my books, Understanding Forgiveness, 2002, or Escape or Perish, 2013, he would have been made aware that America and the rest of the civilized world were under a clear and present danger for from the terrorist infidels.
Even when he decided to act, he vowed that his soldiers would not set foot on the ground but rather in the air. Talk about keeping your enemies at arm’s length.
Still he was honest enough to admit he did not know. After all he is not the first leader in history not to know until the war was almost already lost.  Lord North, the British Prime Minister of George III fame, did not know that Cape Breton was an island until it was too late; but in any event as soon as he was told, he ran as fast as his fat legs would carry him to tell the King.
The President’s resolve not to put boots on the ground may of course be excused as he has now learned perhaps a mite too late, to listen to public opinion.  Looking at his low ratings, and looking back at his performance over the past 6 years of his presidency, we might conclude that had he taken public opinion into account, Healthcare would never have been passed, at least not at that time and his popularity might have been still intact.

 Now at last someone has apparently whispered in his ear, “vox populi vox dei,” and now he has learnt that valuable lesson he will not cannot be unlearned.

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