Friday, November 6, 2015


The Verdict
And the congregation rose and unanimously agreed that while they would not enter within the tent or home of the Levite, (by Israelitish law both would have been deemed unclean by virtue of the carnage that took place there), they would, however, avenge upon Gibeah the ignominy committed against the Levite and his wife. Therefore, the decision was taken to march against Gibeah. The company would be made up of ten out of every hundred men in each tribe of Israel, one hundred of each thousand, and one thousand out of each ten thousand, equipped with food for the people when they come against Gibeah.  And the tribes of Israel sent messengers to all the tribes of Benjamin demanding to have an explanation of the great wickedness that was committed in Israel, and demanded that the men guilty of the evil deed be delivered up unto them that they may be put to death, thus eliminating evil out of Israel; but the children of Benjamin would not listen to the demands of their brethren the children of Israel. And instead armed themselves to fight against their brethren.    

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