Wednesday, October 14, 2015



At Samson’s feast, there were thirty young men, and Samson decided to play a little game with them; so he spoke them a riddle, and said he to them. “If you can solve this riddle in seven days, I will give each of you a new shirt and a change of garment; but if you cannot solve the riddle each of you will give me one shirt and a change of garment. It was an expensive challenge; for if Samson lost he would pay out thirty shirts and thirty garments; but equally if he won he would have clothes to last him a long time.  Samson was of course quite certain the young men would not have been able to solve the riddle within seven days or at all.  So the young men accepted Samson’s challenge and agreed saying, “Tell us the riddle.” And he said unto them “Out of the eater came forth meat; and out of the strong came forth sweetness. Time went by and none of the men had any clue as to the meaning of the riddle, so in desperation they turned to Samson’s wife on the seventh day.  

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