Wednesday, December 24, 2014



And the angel of the Lord said to Balaam “Why have you smitten you ass three times?  I stood in front of you because you are acting perversely, and luckily for you, the ass saw me and turned away three times.  If the ass had not done so I would have slain you and saved the ass.”
Hearing the angel, Balaam confessed and said, “I have sinned for I did not know you stood in the way against me; so now if you will permit me, I will turn around and go back home.”
Thereupon the angel advised Balaam to go with the men; but charged him to speak only the words that he will tell him to say to Balak.  And so Balaam went with the princes of Balak.
And when Balak heard that Balaam had come, he went out to meet him in a certain border town.  And Balak asked Balaam, “did I not send messengers to you, pleading with you urgently to come to me?  Why, therefore, did you not come?  Don’t you know I am able to make you rich and elevate you to great honor? “
“Well,” said Balaam, “as you can see I am now here; “but do I have any power at all to say anything save that which the Lord has told me to say?”

However, Balaam proceeded to follow Balak until they arrived at a place called Kiriathhuzoth.  And there Balak offered oxen and sheep to Balaam; and on the next day, Balak escorted Balaam unto a high place of Baal that he may see the multitude of the people from there.

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