Sunday, May 31, 2015

Stand in the Holy Place

Stand in the Holy Place
More than ever, I am convinced that we are in the last days. The best date available by the most meticulous calculation of the date of Jesus’ death on the cross is April 3, A.D.33, which means that the year 2033 would make approximately 2000 since Jesus left us saying “a little while and I will return.”  Looking back at the Old Testament, I see approximately 6000 years from Adam’s creation to the time Jesus came, and that 6000 years was broken up into 3 distinct periods of 2000 years each.  I do not know when Jesus will return; but I do know that He said certain ominous world signs would precede His coming. (See Matthew 24) When I see the state of the world, when I hear the blasphemy on Radio and Television and elsewhere, I cannot but wonder how much longer the Lord will allow it to go on? To me the world today seems to be much worse than it was immediately before the God of Heaven destroyed the Old World, and still much worse than it was in Sodom and Gomorrah. Ultimately, all I can say to all those who look forward to His coming is, “Stand in the Holy Place.”

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