Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Gibeah Captured and Burnt
We will remember that before attacking the children of Benjamin the first time, the children of Israel asked God who should they send against Benjamin; and the Lord told them Judah; but the children of Israel decided to go in numerical might and they met with defeat; even when they regrouped and asked God whether they should go out again God said, “go.” But note, God did not promise them victory; and going, they met with defeat again. Surely, they must have thought if God says go, that means success; but surely that does not necessarily follow.  Sometimes God would say go even though He knows you will meet with opposition if not defeat; sometimes, God just decides to each us a lesson through, disappointment, suffering and failure.  We note, however, that when Phinehas the priest in attendance at the time asked him, God did promise success; but even then final success does not always mean in God’s scheme of things, that there is to be no suffering in the way to success, or failure on the road to victory. So on this occasion the children of Israel having suffered heavy loss to start with, withdrew and encouraged the people of Gibeah and Benjamin to pursue after them, they fell into Israel’s trap and some twenty five thousand and two hundred of them were smitten, and the city of Gibeah burnt to the ground by the men of Israel.

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