Saturday, April 12, 2014


What a set of people these children of Israel were? They loved God they hated God, they give praise they cursed; they said thank you Lord for delivering us; they said Lord why did you bring us out of Egypt to die?  If those very people who were the immediate recipients of his goodness, mercy and grace turned against Him in their day, is it any wonder that future generations shouted crucify Him?
            God gave them manna in the wilderness of Sin, and filled, they journeyed on from there to Rephidim where they found that there was no water there.  Of course they needed water.  The water they had drunk at Marah was water already past the gullet and could not refresh them there; it would have been reasonable and meet for them to cry out to the Lord and ask for water; but true to their fickle nature they murmured against Moses and against God.
            “Moses,” they shouted at him angrily, “why hast thou brought us to this place out of Egypt to kill us of thirst?”
            Therefore Moses took the complaint of the people to the Lord.  “Lord,” Moses cried unto Him, “What shall I do with this people?  They are ready to kill me.”
            God instructed Moses to go on before the people, taking the elders of the people with him and also the rod with which he had struck the red sea. “Behold said God, I will stand before you upon the rock at Horeb; and thou shalt smite the rock and there shall come water out of it for the people to drink.”
            So in the presence of the elders, Moses smote the rock and water came out. And Moses called the name of the place Massah and Meribah; because of the striving of the children of Israel; and because they tested the Lord and said, “Is He still among us or not?”  More 

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