Thursday, April 10, 2014


Although Moses relayed to the people precise instructions regarding the gathering of the supplies; human nature took over; and some gathered more and some gathered less. God’s mandate was that each man should gather only such amount as he could eat in one day; and although some gathered more and some less, the more shrank to the specified amount and the less accrued to the prescribed amount, that is to say, 1 omer per person.
            In addition, Moses cautioned them not to leave any of the days gathering for the next morning; yet, human greed again, some of them did. However those who disobeyed did not benefit; for the food by the next morning was rotted and riddled with worms.  Also what was gathered in the morning rotted when the sun became hot; the idea was they should always only gather what could be eaten at once.  But on the 6th day it was different; each man was allowed to gather 2 omers, or twice as much as on the former days
            Then Moses addressed the congregational heads and told them; “Tomorrow, (the seventh day) is the rest of the holy Sabbath unto the Lord; bake that which you can bake today, and boil what you can; and that which is left over, lay it up for tomorrow.”  And it came to pass, that that which they gathered on the 6th day and left over for the seventh day, did not rot as that before.
            And Moses commanded them, “eat that today, for today is the Sabbath unto the Lord; take and eat.” That is to say that which was prepared on the 6th day; but he warned them not to go out into the field on the Sabbath day; for it is the Lord’s Sabbath.  More


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