Friday, November 29, 2013


The saga is not over. The manservant took the bride to be and his men and his camels and made tracks for home. What a story of faith, trust and loyalty, and dedication. Abraham’s faith that Jehovah would provide, trust, Abraham’s absolute trust that his manservant would be diligent and do the right thing, loyalty, on the part of the servant to do his very best to satisfy his master’s wishes, and dedication, his refusal to dally, but to depart for home as soon as possible. The bargain was struck. Rebekah’s guardian was willing; Rebekah said yes; why dally, why take the chance of some novus actus intervening and cause something to go wrong? So the manservant said, “no, do not detain me.” I must be about my masters business; so off they went, heading for home, Rebekah no doubt anxious to meet with her bridegroom. It` must have been a fairly long and tiring journey; but it was a journey well worthwhile. Besides Abraham’s servant had another reason to be anxious to get home. His master Abraham was not in good health. His age had at last caught up with him. So his servant understood that time was of the essence. And so he hurried home. In the meantime poor Isaac must have had many an anxious moment; wondering, wishing, longing. Wondering whether a bride would be found for him, wishing that the news would be good news, and longing to see the dust of the camels heading home. So Isaac rode out along the way one evening and sat down to meditate. What would she look like; would she like me, would I like her, how should I greet her and what do I say to her? “Lord I hope that our servant would return soon so I can get over this waiting.” And just then looking into the distance, heart racing, he saw the dust of the camels; and he knew that his long wait would soon be over. More

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