Thursday, July 3, 2014


The Sweet Savor of the Peace Offering.
The peace offering was an offering of some specified animal.  If it was of the herd, male or female, it had to be without spot or blemish; and it could be a lamb or a goat in each case without spot or blemish.
The animal was treated much the same way as the burnt offering with some variations. The offeror in any case would take the animal to the tabernacle and there lay his hand on its head and kill it. The blood of the offered animal sprinkled round about the altar, and the fat that covered the inwards and all the fat burnt upon the altar for a sweet savor unto the Lord for a perpetual statute.
Let us now consider what was symbolized here. The peace offering was clearly a foreshadowing of the entire work of Christ; for we know that Christ is our peace; He by His death and vicarious suffering made our peace with God; He proclaimed our peace; for God was in Christ reconciling us to Himself, with one another and with God.
            The ordinance was stated to be perpetual; but this is understood to be contingent upon that certain time and that certain event satisfied and consummated in Christ, the truly paschal lamb without spot or blemish, whose blood was shed as a propitiation for our sins, and thus fulfilled, brought to its natural rational conclusion everything that was symbolized and foreshadowed in the original ordinance stated to be in perpetuity.   


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