Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wars and Rumors of Wars.- The End time

America is on edge; the world is on edge. Al Qaeda/terrorism is making everyone nervous. If the politicians and political pundits could fix the state of the world they would; but the truth is they cannot. For Jesus said in the time of the end "there shall be wars and rumors of wars." But what is His advice to the saints? "See that you are not troubled; for all of these things shall come to pass." Many of us alive today, shall see the glory of the coming of the Lord.  I believe my eyes shall it.   I have had a vision of the glory of his coming.  I have had a vision of the aftermath of the world after the rapture; a world in which the anti-Christ, death and terror reigned.  A desolate world without trees and vegetation; a world in which the rivers are dried up or turned to blood; a world in which men prayed for death continually.  These visions of Christ troubled me, and I try to trouble others to prepare to meet our God.  Yes I dramatized these experiences in my latest book Escape or Perish, not to make money, but to warn those who would hear, to Escape with Christ now or when He comes, or perish at the hands of the anti-Christ in a hopeless and evil world.

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