Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mark My Word.

Satan and his army have won four major battles in his war to conquer the Saints and overrun the world. The first coup was when he persuaded the Congress and the Judiciary to ban prayer in school. Our children were turned from praying to slaying. Coup number two, Judicial approval of mass abortion.  From Roe v Wade to now alone, over 60 million babes have been murdered by their mothers with or without assistance from doctors.  Coup number 3 is the act of the Congress and State Legislatures recognizing sake sex unions. The potential loss in numbers of population growth is estimated to be two hundred million, over the next decade or so.  Coup number 4 concerns government's decision to put young children in the hands of these infidels for rearing.  What can be excepted of a child put in the hands of a homosexual, except to turn out another homosexual?  "O  Mommy I'm gay!" a five year old might say.  "O wonderful, Just wonderful!" the triumphant parent  replies.
      Mark My Words, at this rate, America by the year 2040 will completely self-destruct and reduced to rubble without a single shot fired.  Mark My Words.

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