Saturday, November 22, 2014

Like Sodom and Gomorrah - A Tribute to Bro Bill.

Like Sodom and Gomorrah
A Tribute to Bro. Bill

Alas, in this Land of buggery,
There abides a strong vial of bigotry.
Like a cancer it grows,
And acutely it flows,
The devil’s own putrescent alchemy.

The Press and its minions conspire,
To set Marriage’s majesty on fire.
In place of Adam and Eve,
They’d enthrone Adam and Steve
And exalt animalistic, carnal desire.

Thus they all too avidly desire,
A man’s noble career to retire.
So four floozies they got,
To spill unfounded rot,
And rub a man’s good name in the mire.

Like in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah,
 They paid the full price for their error.
Soon the trumpet will sound,
And the whole vile lot be bound
In the fiery flames of hell forever.

At the core of this latest concoction,
Are folk’s hearts set on destruction.
So hold your head up Bro. Bill,
You will triumph o’er them still;
They’ll perish in their own sour confusion.
                                                By PJC

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