Saturday, January 7, 2017


Ezra Read from the Law of Moses.
At that time, all the people gathered themselves together as one before the water gate; and they spoke unto Ezra the Scribe to bring the book of the Law of Moses which the Lord had commanded to Israel. And on the first day of the seventh month, Ezra brought the law before the congregation, consisting of men and woman and those old enough to have understanding. And standing on an altar erected for the purpose at the water gate read from the morning until noon from the book of the law while all the people listened attentively. Along with Ezra were the priests and Levites and elders and nobles and leaders who all stood with him. As Ezra stood on the platform of the Altar and opened the book, all the people stood up. And Ezra blessed the Lord, the great God. And all the people said, “Amen, Amen.” Lifting their hands in worship, and head bowed to the ground. And thus assembled Ezra in the company of those on his left and his right and of all the people read from the book distinctly and clearly so that all could hear and understand.

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