Thursday, October 17, 2013


So then, God reaffirms His promise of offspring to Abram in the plains of Moreh; and the next thing Abram did was to look for a high place to build a house. Was Abram expecting to be starting a family soon? He found such a place on a mountain to the East of a place called Bethel, and there he pitched his tent. Having built a house for himself, Abram next built an altar; a place where he could call upon and worship God. But after a while food began to run short. The anticipated son did not arrive; and so Abram decided to move on. What was actually operating on Abram’s mind at this stage of his life? Did he consult God regarding what to do, whether to stay put and rely on God to feed and sustain him, or did he decide it was up to him to fend for himself? Was the decision to go South God inspired or directed, or was it Abram’s best considered option? The text does not say; but one would have thought that if Abram asked God’s direction, the text would have said so. Since, then, the text does not speak to this, it would be reasonable to assume that the decision to move South was Abram’s alone. Going South Abram it would seem found no sufficient food to sustain his company; so he kept moving until eventually he found himself in the land of Egypt. Before moving on to Egypt, we should remind ourselves, that here was a man whom god had made mind boggling promises to; but yet this man was now on the run. Tomorrow we shall see how it started off for him in Egypt. More

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