Sunday, October 6, 2013


Before proceeding on, let us pause to consider one or two of the questions that impose themselves on the mind, when considering the voyage aboard the Ark. We know that the Lord ordered Noah to take into the Ark all living creatures wherein was the breath of life by pairs, male and female. We know too, the breeding habits of insects and some animals like birds and rabbits which have short gestation periods. The question is then was Noah faced with an over population problem? One may be led to speculate that perhaps the rabbits and the chickens and birds provided food for the crew, until we remember that flesh eating and thus egg eating were not permitted in those days. Another question might be posed is that we know today that certain animals just do not sit well together. Not only do they eat one another; they also fight on sight. How did Noah cope with all such problems, or did Almighty God personally attend and oversea the voyage so that everyone behaved, so that there were no copulation, no fights and no confusion. And is it also possible that at that time all the animals, too, were vegetarians? It would seem that the best answer, the most logical answer is that all the creatures took a rest from their previous assignment to replenish. We take this as a reasonable inference because we know that God does all things well, and will always do his own will; and also because we know that the humans who disembarked from the Ark were the exact same number which embarked almost a year before and no babies were born to them. More ….

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