Let me define as succinctly as possible who I am. After that you may love me or hate me, but I'll still be me. I am primarily myself. I don't speak like anyone else, I don't think like anyone else, I don't act like anyone else. If anyone else speaks like me, thinks like me, or acts like me, hurrah for both of us!.
Secondly, I am primarily for God and his word. For me God's word is true, it is infallible, it is gospel; and his commandments, laws, statutes and ordinances are to be obeyed by all men at all times implicitly. No man, be he Pope or prelate, King or peasant, has any authority to add thereto or take therefrom one jot or tittle.
Accordingly I believe absolutely in the risen Christ; that he is the way, the truth and the life; that Christ is the only way to God. There there is a life hereafter to be spent with God and Christ and the whole company of heaven in everlasting bliss and felicity in Heaven; and also a life hereafter to be spent in eternal torment in a place called Hell; a place burning with fire and brimstone. Thus I believe in judgment, reward and punishment.
But while I practice and preach strict adherence to the letter and spirit of God's word, I do also believe, as supported by Scripture, that the rigid righteous is a fool, the rigid wise another. Accordingly I write books dedicated solely to the glory of God. Such books as Understanding The Doctrine of the Trinity, Understanding Forgiveness, Understanding The existence of God; but I also enjoy writing Christian novels such as War Of the Worlds, Escape or Perish as well as Poetry, songs and Short Stories, under my Pen Name Prince john Chaber. But all to the glory of God. This is my Christian Calling.