Evil spirit from the Lord
the previous blog, (BRAGADAYJAH 861) we see the phrase, “An evil spirit from
the Lord troubled Saul.” What does that mean?
Did the Lord God, Most Holy, have at his behest, or in his armory an
evil spirit or anything else evil? Of course not; for it is written God cannot
be tempted with evil. As we have seen
when Saul was anointed for his role as king of Israel, the Spirit of the Lord
came upon him, strengthening him, giving him understanding, bravery, calmness
and a sound mind, among other attributes.
When, therefore, God’s Holy Spirit is taken away, his strength, his
courage, his wisdom, his fortitude and all his other given attributes were
stripped from him. Once the Spirit of
God is not in us, surrounding and protecting us, the spirit of Satan moves in
and drives us to an ungodly, wicked and unstable state of being. So we will
hear King David in his hour of prayer for forgiveness say, “Lord take not the
Holy Spirit from me.” He had seen what happened to King Saul once God’s spirit
left him. One dimension of every human being is the spirit dimension. Man’s spirit is like a balloon filled with
say, helium; if the helium leaks out, air immediately takes its place. The
amount of air would of course depend in whose hands the balloon then is. But
there would always be always some air to take the place of the discharged
helium. In short, when God’s Holy Spirit is absent due to sin, Satan’s evil
spirit immediately takes its place. So why does the text not say, “an evil
spirit from Satan? The answer is firstly,
that even in Saul’s fallen state, Satan could not touch him unless God
permitted it, (God’s permissive will); and so secondly the emphasis is not so
much on Satan’s intervention, but on God’s abandonment of Saul by removing from
him, His Holy Spirit.
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