Thursday, January 30, 2014


BRAGADEAYJAH 138 Now the famine was very severe throughout and everywhere was affected; and in the course of time, Israel told his sons that he had heard that there was corn in Egypt, and that they should go down to Egypt to buy corn, if they were to avoid dying from starvation. So all ten of Joseph's brothers, that is to say the same ten that had cast him into the pit, excluding Benjamin who was too young at the time, went down to Egypt together. But Israel kept back his youngest son Benjamin and did not send him. It would seem that Joseph, who was the Governor over all the land of Egypt, personally oversaw all the transactions involving the sale of grain; for it was before him his ten brothers appeared in their bid to buy corn, and as was the custom of those times, they bowed their faces low to the ground before Joseph. As they prostrated themselves before him, Joseph recognized them, but they did not recognize him, and to further ensure that they did not recognize him, he spoke roughly to them. “Where are you from?” he demanded “We are from the land of Canaan, and we are here to buy food,” they responded. “No!” Joseph continued to speak harshly to them; “You are spies and you are up to no good. You are here to spy and try and detect any weaknesses in our defenses.” But his brothers, with all humility and sincerity responded and said, “Nay my lord; we are here to buy food.” To press further their sincerity, they continued to demonstrate their earnestness by saying that they were all brothers, being the sons of one man; we are sincere men, and we are no spies. But Joseph pressed them the harder. “Liars that is who you are, you are spies, you only purpose here is to spy on us.” “No my lord,” they responded. “We are twelve brothers, and all the sons of one man in the land of Canaan. The youngest is at this time with our father back in the land of Canaan, and the other we no not where he is.” And Joseph still pressing his charade with them said. “I do believe in spite of what you say, that you are spies. So this is my decision. You will have the opportunity of proving who you really are. None of you, as the King liveth, shall leave this place unless and until one of you return and fetch your youngest brother here. In the meantime, the rest of you shall remain here in prison until he returns. If he does not return, then I would know for sure that you are spies. More

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