Monday, January 27, 2014


Having been brought before the Pharaoh, he proceeded to relate his dreams to Joseph; and having heard the dreams, Joseph told the Pharaoh that the dreams were in fact one dream, that is to say, both dreams formed a single chain of circumstances. And so Joseph explained to Pharaoh and told him, that God was showing him what he was about to do. For the seven good cows signified seven years, and the seven good ears of corn seven years also. Accordingly, the seven lean and sick looking cows that came up after them are seven years, and the seven empty ears of corn blasted by the East wind signified seven years of famine. Joseph explained to the Pharaoh that by the dreams, God was warning him of what he was about to do. So that according to the dream, there were to follow seven years of plenty. The whole land shall produce plenteously for the next seven years; but after that the next seven years would be years of famine; not only would there be a famine, but it would be very grievous throughout the land. Joseph also told the Pharaoh that the events foreshadowed by the dreams were destined to take place, signified by the fact that the dreams were doubled in each case. In Joseph’s words the thing was “established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass.” Having interpreted the dreams, and having told the Pharaoh what was shortly to follow, Joseph advised him to select a discrete and wise man and set him over the land of Egypt. Further the Pharaoh should appoint officers all over the land to gather one fifth part of all the produce over the seven years of plenty and store it up against the years of drought and famine. Needless to say, Joseph’s suggestion made good sense to the Pharaoh and his servants, and so the Pharaoh enquired of them where such a man, a man in whom clearly was the Spirit of God may be found; and not surprisingly, the Pharaoh told Joseph that he was going to be the man; for since he was the one to whom God had entrusted the wisdom to interpret the dreams there could be no better choice for the job. More

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