Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Now we need to follow closely what follows next, as Joseph presented his two children Ephraim and Manasseh to his ailing father. In presenting them, Joseph held Ephraim in his right hand towards his father’s left hand, and Manasseh in his left hand towards his father’s right hand. In doing so, Joseph was following protocol, expecting his father to take hold of Manasseh with his right hand, Manasseh being the elder; but old and weak as he was, Israel had other ideas; for he reached out his right hand and crossed over as it were, and laid his right hand upon the head of Ephraim and his left hand upon the head of Manasseh. Thus poised, the old man blessed his son Joseph and his sons in these words. “God before whom my father Abraham and Isaac did walk, the God which fed me all my life long unto this day; the angel which redeemed me from all evil; bless the lads and let my name be named on them; and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac, and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.” Joseph noticed that his father had deliberately laid his right hand upon Ephraim’s head and thought it should not be so, since Ephraim was not the first born; so he attempted to reverse the order by raising his father’s right hand and putting it on the head of Manasseh instead; “not so my father.” Joseph protested; “here is Manasseh my first born; put your right hand upon his head instead;” but Israel would have none of it and so he refused and said; “I know it my son; I know it; Manasseh also shall become a people; and he shall be great; but truly Ephraim shall be greater than Manasseh and his seed shall become a multitude of nations.” So Israel blessed them that day and said unto them, “In thee shall Israel bless saying, God make thee as Ephraim and Manasseh;” so he set Ephraim before Manasseh. Then Israel said to Joseph; “I die; but God shall be with you; and bring you again into the land of your fathers. Moreover, I have given to you one portion above thy brethren which I took out of the hand of the Amorites with my sword and with my bow.” More.

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