Monday, July 1, 2013

Murder Pure and Simple

A Case of Cold Blooded Murder
Irrespective of any issues of black or white, or any other irrelevant ways the truth may be shaded, or divided, Zimmerman’s slaying of that youth Trayvon Martin was cold blooded murder pure and simple. 
            Accordingly the ongoing trial of Zimmerman for second degree felony is nothing but a farce, an exercise in futility being acted out to assuage public outcry and anger.
            True I was not there.  I am not an eye witness to the crime; but surveying the known facts, it does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened on that fatal day.
            There was a young boy going about his business and not interfering with anyone.  Whether he had previously taken drugs, a school dropout or otherwise, none of those things has anything to do with the fact that he was murdered.
            There on the other hand was a grown man with a gun.  He took offence to the fact of the very presence of this young man in his neighborhood.  He decided to chase him out or kill him. He approaches the young man gun in hand.  The young man begins to run.         “Stop,” he shouted, “or I’ll shoot.” 
            The young man stops running.
            Zimmerman, gun still in hand walks up to the young man. 
            “Lie on the ground, hand behind your back.  No lie on your back, so I can see your ugly face,” Zimmerman further ordered.
            The young man began to cry for mercy. “Don’t kill me,” he pleaded.  “Don’t shoot me.”  But Zimmerman pulls the trigger.  The young man is dead. 
            Zimmerman runs to his house and calls his father.
            “What do I do daddy?  I just shot a black man”
            “What happened,” his father asked.
            He told his father what happened,
            “Go bang your head against a wall and plead, you were standing your ground.”
            “What do you mean, daddy?”
            “Say you were attacked by that young ruffian and you had to shoot him.  Leave it to me I will talk to the police.”
            We know that Zimmerman was not arrested initially.  His Daddy saw to that.
            If you think the foregoing is fanciful, consider these facts.
            We know that Zimmerman had a gun.  He saw the youth afar off.  If he decided to go after the youth, would he not go gun in hand?  When he approached the youth, he would have seen the gun.  Would Martin rush an older bigger man who had a dun drawn on him?
            How did Zimmerman, if he is to be believed get on the ground? How did Martin get on top of the gun touting Zimmerman?
            To believe Zimmerman’s account, one would have to be both bigoted and irrational.
            Accordingly, I assert that Martin’s killing was murder pure and simple, and cannot be construed in any other way?
            Will a jury find Zimmerman guilty of even second degree murder?  The odds are against it.

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